
Bolsas pelo Rotary

O Rotary Club de Faro atribuiu bolsas de estudo a alunos de Faro.

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Tomada de posse

Tomada de posse da professora Ana Paula Marques para mais um mandato como diretora do agrupamento de escolas Tomás Cabreira - 29/06/2022

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Devolução do Kit Digital

Devolução do Kit Escola Digital (alunos 4º, 9º e 12º e transferidos do agrupamento) até 2 e 29 de julho.
Mais informações

Sem Nada a Perder

Apresentação do Livro de Pedro Inocêncio no Auditório da Tomás Cabreira. 25/5/2002. 15H15.
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1º Prémio - Beatriz Puga

A Beatriz Puga do 12º 6ª ficou em primeiro lugar na categoria ilustração da 16ª edição do Concurso Literário Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

Estendal Solidário

Concurso de Leitura Áudio

Até 8 de abril de 2022
Mais informações aqui

Olimpíadas de História

Parlamentos dos Jovens

E se eu fosse uma

Volunteers at School

Apresentação do projeto:
The Comenius Project Volunteers at School has as main objective to encourage SOLIDARITY among secondary school students in a European framework to promote their active participation in volunteering tasks.
Strategies that will enable achieving the set goal will focus on:
-make students aware of the necessity of this type of actions to promote their involvement according to students' interests and needs;
-design activities to protect the environment to increase students awareness of its situation;
-carry out activities to protect the environment to increase students' respect towards it;
-analyze contexts related to elderly people to promote students' volunteering activities with them;
-analyze contexts related to immigrants to promote volunteering activities with them;
-organize activities between elderly and school students to get intergenerational meetings between them;
-design and carry out meetings with immigrants to promote intercultural exchanges;
-design and carry out solidarity activities aimed at secondary school students' free time;
-create a meeting point among the students of our partnership to promote altruism among them;
-enhance cooperation with European schools to promote active European citizenship and to include the use of foreign languages and ITC tools in school projects.


Volunteers at school

Apresentação do projeto / Project presentation:
The Comenius Project Volunteers at School has as main objective to encourage SOLIDARITY among secondary school students in a European framework to promote their active participation in volunteering tasks.
Strategies that will enable achieving the set goal will focus on:
-make students aware of the necessity of this type of actions to promote their involvement according to students' interests and needs;
-design activities to protect the environment to increase students awareness of its situation;
-carry out activities to protect the environment to increase students' respect towards it;
-analyze contexts related to elderly people to promote students' volunteering activities with them;
-analyze contexts related to immigrants to promote volunteering activities with them;
-organize activities between elderly and school students to get intergenerational meetings between them;
-design and carry out meetings with immigrants to promote intercultural exchanges;
-design and carry out solidarity activities aimed at secondary school students' free time;
-create a meeting point among the students of our partnership to promote altruism among them;
-enhance cooperation with European schools to promote active European citizenship and to include the use of foreign languages and ITC tools in school projects.
Mobilidades  / Mobilities:
-Meeting Oviedo, Spain October 6th-7th 2011
-Meeting Larissa, Greece March 19th-20th 2012
-Meeting in Burgas, Bulgaria October 10th-13th 2012
-Meeting Frenaros, Cyprus April 17th-21th 2013



Los estudiantes y profesores españoles, alemanes y franceses ya han regresado a sus países después de haber estado visitando la Escuela Secundária Tomás Cabreira - Faro del 9 al 13 abril de 2013.
Agradecemos a todo el profesorado, el personal y a todas las familias que han contribuido para que los días en que permanecieron aquí han sido un éxito.

Os estudantes e professores espanhóis, alemães e franceses já regressaram aos seus países, depois de se terem deslocado para visitar a Escola Secundária Tomás Cabreira - Faro, de 9 a 13 de abril de 2013.
Agradecemos a todos os professores, funcionários e a todas as famílias que contribuíram para que os dias em que aqui permaneceram tenham sido um sucesso.

Clique aqui para ver a noticia em formato pdf.

Clique na imagem para a ver um pouco maior.


Clique na imagem acima para ver um pequeno vídeo da despedida


Visita à Casa Ferreira - CEF3 - Eletricista de instalações - 9/4/2013

Decorreu no dia 9/4/2013 uma visita da turma CEF3 - Electricista de instalações - à Casa Ferreira. Os alunos foram acompanhados pelos professores Guilherme Teixeira, António Forra Mota e pelo estagiário do SPO Jorge Cardoso e mostraram bastante agrado pela visita realizada. Mostramos de seguida alguma fotos.



