
Bolsas pelo Rotary

O Rotary Club de Faro atribuiu bolsas de estudo a alunos de Faro.

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Tomada de posse

Tomada de posse da professora Ana Paula Marques para mais um mandato como diretora do agrupamento de escolas Tomás Cabreira - 29/06/2022

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Devolução do Kit Digital

Devolução do Kit Escola Digital (alunos 4º, 9º e 12º e transferidos do agrupamento) até 2 e 29 de julho.
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Sem Nada a Perder

Apresentação do Livro de Pedro Inocêncio no Auditório da Tomás Cabreira. 25/5/2002. 15H15.
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1º Prémio - Beatriz Puga

A Beatriz Puga do 12º 6ª ficou em primeiro lugar na categoria ilustração da 16ª edição do Concurso Literário Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

Estendal Solidário

Concurso de Leitura Áudio

Até 8 de abril de 2022
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Olimpíadas de História

Parlamentos dos Jovens

E se eu fosse uma

Volunteers at School

Meeting Frenaros, Cyprus April 17th-21th 2013 - Video:

The Comenius Volunteers at School project Portuguese team, traveled to Frenaros in Cyprus from 17 to 20 April 2013. These are the impressions they gathered during his fourth mobility, invited by Lykeio Kokkinochorion Foti Pitta.

Tomás Cabreira Volunteers at School Cyprus - Youtube video

Volunteers at school

Meeting in Burgas, Bulgaria October 10th-13th 2012 - Images:

images in


Volunteers at School

Apresentação do projeto:
The Comenius Project Volunteers at School has as main objective to encourage SOLIDARITY among secondary school students in a European framework to promote their active participation in volunteering tasks.
Strategies that will enable achieving the set goal will focus on:
-make students aware of the necessity of this type of actions to promote their involvement according to students' interests and needs;
-design activities to protect the environment to increase students awareness of its situation;
-carry out activities to protect the environment to increase students' respect towards it;
-analyze contexts related to elderly people to promote students' volunteering activities with them;
-analyze contexts related to immigrants to promote volunteering activities with them;
-organize activities between elderly and school students to get intergenerational meetings between them;
-design and carry out meetings with immigrants to promote intercultural exchanges;
-design and carry out solidarity activities aimed at secondary school students' free time;
-create a meeting point among the students of our partnership to promote altruism among them;
-enhance cooperation with European schools to promote active European citizenship and to include the use of foreign languages and ITC tools in school projects.


Volunteers at school

Apresentação do projeto / Project presentation:
The Comenius Project Volunteers at School has as main objective to encourage SOLIDARITY among secondary school students in a European framework to promote their active participation in volunteering tasks.
Strategies that will enable achieving the set goal will focus on:
-make students aware of the necessity of this type of actions to promote their involvement according to students' interests and needs;
-design activities to protect the environment to increase students awareness of its situation;
-carry out activities to protect the environment to increase students' respect towards it;
-analyze contexts related to elderly people to promote students' volunteering activities with them;
-analyze contexts related to immigrants to promote volunteering activities with them;
-organize activities between elderly and school students to get intergenerational meetings between them;
-design and carry out meetings with immigrants to promote intercultural exchanges;
-design and carry out solidarity activities aimed at secondary school students' free time;
-create a meeting point among the students of our partnership to promote altruism among them;
-enhance cooperation with European schools to promote active European citizenship and to include the use of foreign languages and ITC tools in school projects.
Mobilidades  / Mobilities:
-Meeting Oviedo, Spain October 6th-7th 2011
-Meeting Larissa, Greece March 19th-20th 2012
-Meeting in Burgas, Bulgaria October 10th-13th 2012
-Meeting Frenaros, Cyprus April 17th-21th 2013

